Formula English

Our treatments

Medicine with the green perspective.

(Formula No. 1)
Heart Dessies

In the heart, there are twenty-four blood vessels (blood vessels) that continuously circulate blood (twenty-four hours a day). However, the heart's function is performed through an object called the 'raktakana.' The function of the raktakana is to bring oxygen (carbon dioxide) from the entire body to the heart and then release it from the lungs into the bloodstream. From there, it takes oxygen to the tissues via the arteries, replenishing blood through the veins back to the heart, thereby sustaining life throughout the body. The substance referred to as 'life' by Ayurvedic scholars and creators is this very function. If this function continues, a person remains alive; otherwise, they are declared dead. Diseases occur when the arteries of the heart (coronary arteries) become hardened due to the accumulation (deposition) of fat-like substances (cholesterol) and clots formed from the blood. This hardening of the arteries makes it difficult for the heart to transport oxygen (carbon dioxide) and ambient oxygen (oxygen), leading to severe chest pain when the nourishment of the affected area is blocked, resulting in acute heartache. This is a form of heart attack. Other types of heart disease arise from weakness in the blood vessels, distortion of the arteries, and an excess of fat. Symptoms include palpitations, dizziness, burning sensation in the heart, chest pain, severe pain in the left side of the chest, and hence, the function of the heart ceases (Heart Failure). The benefit of this yoga is that it completely eradicates all disorders related to the heart, bringing the heart's function back to its natural order. It purifies the heart's arteries from accumulated cholesterol and blood clots, making the heart's arteries and vessels soft, facilitating the smooth circulation of blood in the heart.

(Formula No. 2)

Introduction - Between the stomach (stomach) and the small intestine (intestine), there is a fifth organ called the pancreas (pancreas). In this pancreas, there are several fires that digest the nutritious elements for the body. One of these fires is called the tissue fire (pancreas). This fire digests the digestive juice (insulin) for the body. If, for any reason, there is an aggravation of phlegm in this fire, then there is a weakness in its function because phlegm weakens the function of whatever it comes into contact with. Due to the weakness of the tissue fire, there is a decrease in digestive juice (insulin) in the body and sugar increases. This is called diabetes. Symptoms - Frequent urination, sweetness in urine and blood, ants in urine, dizziness, fatigue in hands and feet, visual impairment, and physical weakness. As this disease progresses, it harms every part of the body. Benefits - This yoga destroys the weakness and inactivity of the tissue fire (pancreas) and makes it active again, and digests the digestive juice (insulin) in the body in equal proportion. Those who take medicines and insulin from outside daily for diabetes will never need any medicine for diabetes by consuming only two grams of meat daily with this yoga. Even after this yoga, if the patient consumes sweet items, sugar will still be produced in a regular amount. This yoga makes the body strong and healthy.

(Formula No. 3)
General Tonic (for Women)

Women's Diseases - During menstruation (monthly period), there may be pain in the bladder (urinary bladder), and menstruation may occur in excessive or reduced quantities, or before or after the expected time. There may also be headaches, backaches, and a feeling of laziness or fatigue in the body. Digestion may be poor, appetite may be lacking, constipation may persist, and there may be a sensation of heat in the body, with burning sensations in the hands, feet, and eyes. Due to a deficiency of blood and other nutrients, the body becomes extremely weak, the face becomes pale, and even after having two or three children, the woman's body becomes dull and loose, and the desire for intimacy disappears. Benefits - This yoga eliminates all the above-mentioned disorders and ensures complete digestion of food while nourishing all the tissues and blood of the body, keeping women healthy and fit. Even if a woman becomes a mother of ten children, this yoga maintains the radiance and beauty of her face and keeps her body in a balanced state (neither excessively fat nor excessively weak). This yoga enhances sexual desire and provides strength and vitality to the body.

(Formula No. 4)
Hair Tonic (for Children)

Hair Disorders - Acid reflux, frequent belching, burning sensation in the throat, poor digestion, loss of appetite, constipation, and thin watery diarrhea with acidity. Frequent colds and coughs. Urination in bed during sleep and formation of worm pads in the stomach. Weak eyesight leading to the need for glasses, difficulty in sports activities due to lack of breath, weak memory, and incomplete development of the body, resulting in extreme weakness. Benefits - This yoga eliminates all the hair disorders mentioned above and makes the child strong and robust, enhancing memory and increasing vision while removing glasses and improving memory. It promotes the increase of blood and protein in the body, ensuring the complete development of the child, and prevents the child from becoming breathless during sports activities. If this yoga is given to a healthy child, it keeps the child free from various diseases in the future and always keeps the child energetic.

(Formula No. 5)

Introduction: The respiratory activity is regulated by the genes through organs called the Respiratory Centre. This group of organs ensures the exchange of oxygen from the external air through the nasal cavity and then into the body, and after a while, the polluted air within the body is expelled out through the muscles of the eyes, nose, ears, and chest. Typically, a young person breathes 18 times per minute and the heart beats 72 times. Disease: The stomach is the place of phlegm. There are mucus glands in the stomach. If, for some reason, infection spreads in these glands, they start producing more phlegm. Some of this phlegm mixes with the stool and comes out, while some of it stays in the bronchial tubes and respiratory system, blocking the passage of air. As a result, the air starts coming out through the mouth, and this is called respiratory disease (Asthma). Symptoms: Frequent colds, phlegm coming out of the mouth, shortness of breath on walking or doing any work, coughing with blood, and weakness due to blood loss, if at any time there is excessive accumulation of phlegm in the respiratory system, then severe respiratory obstruction (Acute Respiratory Failure) occurs, resulting in sudden death. Benefits: This yoga cleanses the mucus glands and eliminates the root cause of respiratory diseases, gradually expelling the accumulated phlegm from the bronchial tubes and respiratory passages. It promotes overall blood and tissue growth, nourishing the body, and prevents any respiratory-related diseases from occurring again in life, allowing individuals to live a life free from severe illnesses, enjoying happiness and joy.

(Formula No. 6)
Stone Trouble

Introduction: When the digestive fire (digestive function) weakens due to various reasons, and the juice of consumed food remains uncooked, it is called Ama or Aamadrava. Usually, this liquid, when mixed with stool, is expelled out through the anal opening. However, if some portion of this liquid stagnates at a certain location within the body, it gradually takes the form of a stone and obstructs the natural functions of the body. This condition is called Ashmari or Pathri. Disease: Most often, stones occur in three places. 1. In the gallbladder, when stones form in the gallbladder and its duct, it causes intense piercing pain, and it can also lead to jaundice. 2. In the urinary bladder, if a portion of the stone gets stuck in the urinary tract after coming out of the bladder, it causes severe pain, and if the urinary tract remains blocked for a long time, it can lead to bladder rupture. 3. In the kidneys, if the stone is located in the kidney, there can be varying degrees of severe pain, and prolonged presence of the stone can lead to anemia and extreme weakness. Benefits: This yoga eliminates stones from any part of the body within a period of two to three months and also purifies the digestive fire, thus eliminating the root cause of stone formation to prevent recurrence. Consumption of this potion enhances blood and other tissue elements in the body, providing strength and vitality to the individual.

(Formula No. 7)
Leucoderma (Skin Diseases)

Introduction: Due to an excess of Pitta (heat) in the body, the temperature increases, and the elevated temperature causes impurities in the blood, which then contaminate the blood. This contaminated blood leads to various skin diseases, one of which is Leucoderma, also known as White Spot. Benefits: This yoga is specifically prepared for Leucoderma (white spots). Whether Leucoderma affects the entire body or just a few areas, this yoga helps in purifying the blood and making the white spots on the skin blend with the rest of the skin. It keeps the body more attractive and radiant. Additionally, symptoms such as red and black spots on the face, eczema, itching, small pimples on the body oozing water and gradually turning into scabs are also caused by impure blood. Consumption of this potion eliminates these ailments and prevents the occurrence of severe diseases like leprosy in the future.

(Formula No. 8)
General Tonic

Introduction: If a person's metabolic activity is weak, their body cannot produce essential nutrients effectively, leading to weakness. These essential nutrients consist of seven types: Blood, Protein, Calcium (Bone Marrow), Semen, Bone, Digestive Juices (Insulin), and Fat. Maintaining a balanced production of these nutrients keeps a person healthy and strong. However, deficiencies in these nutrients can lead to various diseases and weakness in the body. Benefits: This yoga enhances metabolic and digestive functions, ensuring the proper production of all essential nutrients in the body. It alleviates indigestion, gas, and constipation while increasing appetite. It also improves memory, vision, and removes the need for glasses. Furthermore, it enhances stamina. It brings joy and pleasure to both men and women, ensuring sexual satisfaction until both are content. If a healthy individual consumes this potion, it keeps them nourished and vibrant, preventing severe diseases like diabetes, hypertension, or heart diseases in the future.

(Formula No. 9)
For Procreation

Men's Disease: In a single discharge of semen, there are around twenty crore microorganisms (germs) in the vicinity. These microorganisms are immature in the seminal vesicles and after maturity, they take the form of spermatozoa and enter the woman's uterus after sexual intercourse. If for any reason these glands become weak or if there is accumulation of any heavy substance on these glands, they fail to complete the full maturation of spermatozoa. Consequently, they cannot reach the woman's uterus in the required quantity. If the seminal glands are functioning properly but there is excessive heat in the body, then also the conception does not happen despite intercourse, because due to this excessive body heat, the germs are produced from the seminal glands and when they reach near the woman's uterus, they perish or the discharge of semen occurs. Women's Disease: The function of producing germs occurs in women similar to men. Other disorders are as follows: due to weakness of the uterus, repeated miscarriages occur, even after having a child, the power of conception in the uterus is lost, having a stillborn or short-lived child, accumulation of fat or other substances in the uterine tube, causing blockage of the uterine passage. Benefits: Even if twenty years have passed since marriage, using this remedy will definitely result in conception. This remedy increases sexual power in both men and women, and gives birth to healthy and strong children. This remedy should be consumed with the belief in the blessing of Shri Badrinath Ji.

(Formula No. 10)
Hair Tonic

Introduction: The roots of hair contain a type of fluid that is rich in marrow tissue (calcium). This fluid is similar to the marrow tissue found in bones. If for any reason this fluid decreases or becomes contaminated, the grip of the skin on the hair weakens, leading to gradual hair loss. This results in dryness spreading on the scalp, causing headaches and restlessness. In younger age, the hair turns white prematurely or a bald patch appears on the head. Benefits: This remedy enhances the fluid in the roots of the hair, making the hair long, thick, and strong. It alleviates headaches and keeps the mind calm. It turns prematurely white hair black from the roots and prevents hair loss.

(Formula No. 11)
Sesame Oil (Special)

Causes: Excessive indulgence in sexual activity at a young age or contact with prostitutes can lead to excessive heat in the muscles of the penis. Due to this reason, the muscles become dry and contracted or may change their position in the penis. For example, it may become thicker at the ends and thinner in the middle, bend downwards, or shrink inward during sexual intercourse, becoming less rigid and leading to premature ejaculation. Benefits: The use of this remedy helps to relax the muscles of the penis, making it uniform in size. It also provides full rigidity during sexual intercourse, making it long and thick like before. This remedy enhances sexual power, bringing joy to both married couples. For Women: For women whose breasts stick to the chest and do not lift upwards or sag due to breastfeeding, applying this oil to both breasts makes them round and firm like oranges. Applying it to the vagina prevents it from becoming loose, ensuring that it remains tight like that of a 16-year-old girl.

(Formula No. 12)

This disease affects the nervous system of the brain. It comes in two types: in children and in adults. 1. In children: Due to improper digestion, consumption of fat-free food, or high fever, the nerve plexus of the brain loses its lubrication. This causes the blood vessels to dry up, leading to the cessation of blood flow and the affected limb becoming dysfunctional. This condition is known as polio. 2. In adults: The large intestine is the seat of air. If stool or some portion of it remains stuck in it for a long time, it naturally produces excess air. If this air becomes aggravated with bile, it spreads heat in the nerves. This can result in either sudden rupture of the nerves leading to death or the cessation of blood circulation in them. The affected limb gradually withers and becomes non-functional. This condition is called paralysis. Benefits: This yoga is very beneficial for both types of diseases, polio and paralysis. It restores the lost lubrication of the nerves, making them supple again, and facilitates the smooth circulation of blood. It rejuvenates the dysfunctional limbs, enabling them to function like before, and the individual begins to perform tasks like others.

(Formula No. 13)
Apasmaar (Epilepsy)

Introduction: This ailment affects the cerebral pathways responsible for cognition. It manifests in two distinct forms: one occurring in children and the other in adults. Childhood Onset: The juvenile variant often stems from factors like indigestion, low-fat diets, or sudden high fevers. Such conditions compromise the lubrication of cerebral pathways, leading to desiccation of blood vessels. Consequently, these vessels fail to adequately circulate blood, rendering affected body parts inert. Known colloquially as polio, this condition can result in limb paralysis and sporadic lapses into unconsciousness. Adult Onset: In adults, the ailment's genesis lies in stagnant air within the gastrointestinal tract. Prolonged stagnation of stool generates excess air, which, when mixed with bile and turned toxic, propagates a surge of heat throughout the body. This sudden surge induces a state of inertia in the cerebral pathways, causing memory loss and unconsciousness. Symptoms may include convulsions, muscular contractions, ocular inflammation, and frothing at the mouth, characterizing the condition commonly referred to as epilepsy. Benefits of Yogic Intervention: Yogic practices dedicated to cleansing the cerebral pathways play a pivotal role in mitigating these afflictions. By purging the cerebral channels of impurities and reinvigorating them with fresh vitality and circulation, such practices offer respite from epileptic seizures. Regular engagement with these yogic techniques fosters a life liberated from the shackles of recurrent seizures and mental distress, while concurrently bolstering mental resilience and ensuring unimpeded blood flow throughout the cerebral conduits.

(Formula No. 14)
Arsh (Piles or Hemorrhoids)

Introduction - Arsh (Piles or Hemorrhoids) Arsh, commonly known as Piles or Hemorrhoids, is a medical condition that affects the anal region, specifically the rectum (the lower part of the intestine where stool is stored). The rectum is approximately 4 1/2 finger-length long and is responsible for maintaining control over the passage of stool by keeping it closed until evacuation. Types of Arsh (Piles): There are two main types of piles: 1. Vaataj (Dry or Non-Bleeding Piles): These occur due to weakness in the muscle tissue surrounding the rectum, leading to the inability to push accumulated blood forward. These piles tend to swell and form masses, known as "mamsa ankura" or "mases," which may protrude externally if the condition becomes chronic. 2. Raktaaj (Bleeding Piles): If in addition to muscle weakness, there is also an aggravation of the air element (Vata), it can lead to the formation of dry and granular stool. Pressure on the masses of muscle tissue can cause bleeding. In advanced stages, even a slight jerk or pressure can cause the masses to bleed spontaneously. Symptoms and Effects: Both types of piles can cause discomfort and weakness in the body due to bleeding, leading to anemia. Constipation is a common problem associated with both types of piles. Benefits of Treatment: This yogic treatment purifies the muscle tissue, calms the air element, and helps in drying and dissolving the masses of muscle tissue. It also alleviates constipation, increases appetite, and enhances physical strength and vitality. Additionally, this yoga practice is highly beneficial for fistula (Bhagandar) as well, providing complete and rapid relief.

(Formula No. 15)
obesity (Heviness)

Introduction - Medasvi (Obesity) Medasvi, or obesity, is a condition where individuals have a strong desire for food, but the nutrients, particularly blood and other essential elements, are not properly nourished, leading to excessive accumulation of fat. This means that due to weakness in the metabolic process, proteins are first converted into fatty substances (carbohydrates) and then transformed into fats, which accumulate in the body's tissues, making the body bulky. Obesity not only predisposes individuals to various diseases but also serves as a harbinger of severe health issues. Disease Mechanism: If certain components of oily substances like cholesterol or some portions of fat mix with the blood, it can lead to thickening of the blood. Consequently, the blood cannot flow smoothly through the heart, leading to conditions like heart attack or an increase in blood pressure that can cause paralysis. Similarly, many diseases associated with obesity can surround an individual prematurely. Symptoms: Symptoms of obesity include increased appetite and efforts during physical activities, shortness of breath upon walking, excessive sleepiness, increased sweating, and a general feeling of fatigue and weakness due to the deficiency of blood, semen, and proteins. Benefits of Treatment: This yogic practice strengthens the process of tissue metabolism, preventing the formation of fats and gradually eliminating the excess fat through sweat and feces, thereby reducing the individual's weight and enhancing overall health and vigor.

(Formula No. 16)

Introduction - This condition manifests in two forms: "rakta pradar" (menorrhagia) and "shwet pradar" (leukorrhea). 1. Rakta Pradar: Women typically have a gentle nature. However, if they consume hot or pungent foods continuously, it can increase the body's internal heat, thus disturbing the pitta (bodily humor related to metabolism). Consequently, metabolic activities become impaired, leading to the production of immature blood, which flows through the delicate channels of the uterus and exits through the vaginal route, causing menorrhagia. Initially, the flow is reddish in color, mixed with pitta. If the condition worsens, the flow becomes dark and viscous. 2. Shwet Pradar: In this condition, thin, white, watery discharge seeps through the fine channels of the urinary tract. If blood mixes with this discharge, it becomes thick and viscous. Symptoms of both types of discharges include weakness, irritability, pale complexion, red or black spots on the face, burning sensation in the hands, feet, and eyes, pain throughout the body, loss of appetite, and constipation. Benefit - This therapy corrects metabolic functions, purifies the blood, and balances all bodily humors. It alleviates the symptoms mentioned above, ensures regular and balanced menstrual flow every month, and maintains women's health and vitality.

(Formula No. 17)
intestinal gas (gas tube)

Introduction - The process of digestion in the human body occurs in three stages. First, the food enters a place where it stops; this place is called "amashaya" (stomach). In the amashaya, there are mucous glands that moisten the food with mucus, transforming it into a thin liquid for digestion. From here, the semi-digested food juice moves gradually through the pancras or pancreas, where seven types of glands produce their respective nutritional elements for the body. The food juice then takes the form of stool and enters the pakvashaya (large intestine). The remaining digestion process occurs here. This entire process is facilitated by the pressure of air. If there is a decrease in air pressure in the body, it leads to a decrease in the efficiency of this process. The reason for reduced air pressure is that if the mucous glands in the amashaya produce excess mucus, it mixes with the food juice and enters the pancras. This weakens the glands there, and they fail to fully digest the food, causing semi-digested food juice to enter the pakvashaya. Due to decreased air pressure, it remains there for an extended period. The semi-digested stool in the pakvashaya produces a gaseous substance, causing flatulence. Symptoms - Symptoms include acidity, sour belching, burning sensation in the throat, indigestion, loss of appetite, constipation, dysentery, and ulcers. Benefits - This therapy primarily strengthens the mucous glands, enhancing the digestive process and ensuring the production of all essential nutrients from food, keeping individuals healthy and robust. It also enhances digestion power by alleviating any disorders related to intestinal gas or stomach, leading to overall improvement in digestion.

(Formula No. 18)
Blood Pressure

Introduction: Blood pressure is of two types: high and low. 1. High Blood Pressure: In high blood pressure, initially, there is an accumulation of fatty substances (cholesterol) in the blood vessels followed by other substances. These substances include complex carbohydrates and by-products of blood such as serum albumin and calcium. The accumulation of these substances makes the blood vessels stiff and narrowed. Consequently, there is an obstruction in the flow of blood, and the heart has to exert more force to pump blood to all parts of the body. This increased force leads to an increase in blood pressure. Symptoms of high blood pressure include headaches, redness in the eyes, palpitations, restlessness, and sweating. 2. Low Blood Pressure: Low blood pressure occurs when there is a decrease in energy levels in the body or due to reduced pressure in the blood vessels. Similar to how water flows slowly and in lesser quantity in a partially blocked pipe, blood circulation is not adequate in low blood pressure. This results in fatigue, frequent fainting, and physical weakness. Severe cases of low blood pressure can lead to immediate death. Benefits: This yoga practice helps in removing all accumulated substances in the blood vessels, making them soft and flexible. It regulates blood pressure to maintain a balanced circulation, ensuring that the heart and brain remain fresh and calm.

(Formula No. 19)
Ever Vigorous Pills

Introduction: People who indulge in promiscuous behavior with commercial sex workers or excessively masturbate during childhood, and consume hot substances regularly, often experience a decrease in blood and protein (semen) levels in their bodies. This leads to weakness in the reproductive glands, and during sexual activity, these glands quickly become heated, leading to premature ejaculation and depriving both men and women of the joys of married life. Additionally, various symptoms may arise, such as incomplete erection, premature ejaculation upon approaching a woman or pressing her breasts, and loss of sexual potency. Benefits: This yoga practice helps in eliminating weakness and heat in the reproductive glands, providing them with strength and endurance. It nourishes the body, enhances sexual potency, and tightens the genitals during sexual activity, providing stamina for 15-20 minutes. After practicing this yoga, even if men and women indulge in sexual activities three to four times a night, they will not experience physical fatigue or weakness. If a healthy individual practices this yoga, they can maintain sexual potency and a radiant complexion until the age of 70. This yoga promotes peaceful sleep, improves memory, strengthens the heart, and prevents the onset of serious diseases like diabetes or high blood pressure in the future.

(Formula No. 20)
Headache and diarrhea (Nazla)

The introduction explains the anatomical structure of the nasal cavity and its protective role akin to buffers in mechanical systems like railway engines and cars. Just as buffers in trains absorb shock to prevent damage to passengers, the nasal cavity protects the internal organs by filtering out harmful particles and pathogens from the air we breathe. The nasal cavity is lined with sinuses, which produce a thin, watery fluid to keep the nasal passages moist and trap foreign particles. When these sinuses become infected, various symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, and headache may occur. This condition is commonly known as sinusitis or a sinus infection. The benefits of this practice include the purification of the nasal passages, relief from sinus infections, and prevention of respiratory ailments such as asthma. By regularly performing this yoga, individuals can strengthen their respiratory system, improve lung capacity, and enhance overall well-being. Additionally, this yoga practice can alleviate symptoms of allergies by promoting the production of anti-allergic substances in the body.

(Formula No. 21)

Introduction - When the stomach (stomach) is weak, the juice of the eaten food does not digest well, then it accumulates together and becomes acidic with mucus and bile. This special acidic juice (uric acid) mixes with blood and reaches the joints through air. As a result, there is pain in the joints (Joint Pain). Other symptoms are burning sensation in the joints or difficulty when bending, and swelling in the joints. This disease originates from one place and gradually affects all the joints of the body. If this disease becomes old and severe, then the person becomes confined to bed. He/she is not even capable of walking. Benefits - The primary function of this yoga is to cleanse the stomach, intestines, and joints and eliminate accumulated acidic juice (uric acid). This yoga provides strength to all the joints of the body by eliminating joint pain and swelling. It completely eliminates rheumatism-arthritis and keeps the person free from such diseases, making them capable of walking and moving like a normal person.

(Formula No. 22)
Chanch Pils (Special)

Usage - This yoga destroys all kinds of weakness and increases sexual power (sex power) in a person, enhancing pleasure for both men and women during intercourse. Its consumption brings peaceful sleep, improves memory, and strengthens the heart. This yoga increases blood in the body and nourishes semen, preventing premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse. If both men and women consume this yoga, it will fill both with enthusiasm and vitality, maintaining sexual power until old age. Chonch Pills Yoga is stimulating, empowering, and provides complete arousal.