About us

Ayurveda is best solution of any disease.

Who we are

Origin of Ayurveda

It is impossible for us to determine the time of origin of Ayurveda. Today, every country on Earth has its own version of Ayurveda, but they all originated from our Ayurveda. Our Ayurveda is considered the first because it is mentioned in the Vedas. If the Vedas have been around for millions of years, then Ayurveda must also be ancient.

In ancient times, Brahma created an Ayurvedic book named Brahma Sahita. However, this text is no longer available today. Brahma then taught Ayurveda to Daksha Prajapati for the benefit of the world.

Daksha Prajapati, in turn, taught Ayurveda to the Ashwini Kumar twins, who excelled in their education. Devaraj Indra was impressed by their medical system and learned it from them. He later taught Ayurveda to Rishi Atreya, who then passed it on to his six disciples. These disciples authored different texts based on their learnings.

Acharya Charak, along with Agnivesh, Harit, and other sages, compiled the essence of these texts into what is known today as Charak Sahita. Similarly, Acharya Sushruta learned Ayurveda from Kashiraj Devodas in Kashi. His recited book, Sushruta Sahita, is renowned for its detailed explanations of surgeries. Rishi Vagbhata later composed the Astanga Hrdaya based on the insights from Charak Sahita and Sushrut Sahita, better known as Vagbhata. Many sages have contributed their own experiences to the field of Ayurveda.

Our Value

How Ayurvedic Work

It is such a unique system which in turn strengthens the body along with the disease preventer and recognizes the existence of therapeutic force within the body a therefore, it removes unwanted and toxic substances from the body to cure diseases from the human system and helps human system and Treats the body completely where Allopathic medicines focus solely on reducing the disease but Ayurvedic treatment system gives knowledge about the real cause of disease and how it can be cured completely. This is the main reason that Ayurveda is considered to be the most effective to cure all kinds of diseases. Ayurvedic medicine believes that all people are different and the same medicine does not cure every person for the same disease we have to understand the nature of the body only after that we can decide on the methods of treatment and medicines and treat the disease properly and correctly.